
Zu Divertieren Wie Damals (To Divert Like Back Then), Duo for Violin and Viola

A small entertaining bravura piece full of esprit
Instrument List
Violin, Viola
Year (created)
Original Instrumentation
Debut performance
October 2022, Duo Slaatto in Danemak
«Zu Divertieren wie damals» was written in 2020 and was an order from Duo Slaatto (Helge Slaatto violin, Anette Slaatto viola) who wanted a smaller entertaining bravura piece full of esprit. The piece is technically demanding, has a certain virtuosity and was premiered by Duo Slaatto in Denmark in October 2022.
String duo
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Seite 1 / Page 1Seite 1 / Page 1
Edition: ViolaViva, 2023
Vorwort / PrefaceVorwort / Preface
Edition: ViolaViva, 2023
Notenbeispiel / Score exampleNotenbeispiel / Score example
Edition: ViolaViva, 2023
Zu Divertieren Wie Damals (To Divert Like Back Then), Duo for Violin and Viola